And what exactly do you do?
I research!

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Scientists will tell you why this is much more exciting than you might think!

Sterile rooms and white coats? On the contrary - science is cool and colourful, just like the people who work in the field. Scientists from all over the world applied to become part of the world's largest laboratory portrait. With this artwork, we're shining the spotlight on the faces behind the pipettes and the test tubes. Listen to their stories, immerse yourself into the world of science - and become a part of it yourself.

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Does science have an image problem?

There would be no vaccine developments without the milestones of research and laboratory work; no medical and scientific progress without the work between pipettes and test tubes. From backstage to the limelight? That's a long way.
In May 2021, we put laboratory professions under the microscope and asked almost 300 laboratory assistants about their job descriptions. The result: life science scientists (around 73 percent) consider their job description much more attractive than laboratory assistants and technical assistants (32 percent). At the same time, almost three quarters of the industry insiders would recommend training in the field of laboratory and technical assistance. You can find more figures on laboratory professions here:
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Public perception of the profession

Life science scientists perceive their job description to be much more attractive (around 73%) than laboratory assistants and technical assistants (32%).

Public perception of various job profiles

The public perception of the job profile of a scientist (2nd place) is considered much more attractive than that of a laboratory technician (4th place).

Attributes to the job profile

Laboratory work is more varied, more practice-oriented and more autonomous than young people initially expect.

Lack of skilled workers

Higher salaries, faster promotion opportunities and more apprenticeships: These are the best ways to counter the shortage of skilled workers.

Training recommendation

Almost three quarters of the industry insiders surveyed can recommend training as a laboratory assistant or technical assistant.

Ask the right person: the stories of our science heroes.

Every picture tells a story. Our artwork has several. For the podcast "The Starlab Deep Dive", host Moritz Fack talked to five scientists from across the globe. We also asked the Head of the School of Life Science Hamburg, Dr Oliver Zschenker, specifically about education. Here, you can find out why they took part in the campaign, how they came to work in the lab and why they find their profession so enriching:

Motivation in the lab with
Indrani Mukherjee

In this month's episode of the Starlab Deep Dive, we interview Indrani Mukherjee, a PHD student at the university of Göttingen. Together we dive deep into the specifics of being a scientist: What does a typical day in the lab look like? What keeps you motivated? How does one get into the field of biochemistry? Tune in and find out. Enjoy!

Science across borders with
Lulu Nguyen

In this episode of the Starlab Deep Dive, we interview Lulu Nguyen, a lab & production manager at BforCure-4Dcell in France. Together we dive deep into the specifics of becoming a scientist: What role does education play in becoming a scientist? What are the motivations behind going into the field of science? What challenges does one have to overcome to make a dream career come true? Tune in and find out. Enjoy!

The twists and turns of a career with Rae Freestone

In this episode of the Starlab Deep Dive, we interview Rae Freestone, a passionate scientist from Cambridge Consultants. Together with Rae we dive deep into different fields of science. We take a look at numerous science professions and job possibilities. What can a journey of finding the perfect science job look like? Tune in and find out. Enjoy!

Teaching the scientists of tomorrow with Daniela DeBiase

In this episode of the Starlab Deep Dive, we interview Daniela De Biase, a professor of the Sapienza University of Rome. Together we talk about finding the passion for becoming a scientist and sharing that passion with others. What is teaching science like and what obstacles do women in science face? Tune in and find out. Enjoy!

Finding your passion with Gary Lawson

In this episode of the Starlab Deep Dive, we talk with Gary Lawson, a lab manager at the Leeds Beckett University. Together we explore what a typical day of a lab manager looks like and what steps you have to take on the journey of becoming one yourself. What does working in science feel like and what makes this job so special? Tune in and find out. Enjoy!

The importance of youth in science with Oliver Zschenker

In this episode of the Starlab Deep Dive, we interview Dr. Zschenker, the director of the School of Life Science in Hamburg, Germany. Together we talk about the importance of youth for the future of science. What role does education play? How can one get started in the field of science? Is the only viable path going to university? Tune in and find out. Enjoy!
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All you need is curiosity!

Our colleague Chris Fischer is convinced that curiosity is more important for work in the lab than getting straight A's in science subjects! According to Chris, anyone who tries out this field will be positively surprised! You can find the interview with Chris below.

"Sit down and look around! There is science everywhere. Whether it's the water, the plants, the sky or the medicine you take. You are just surrounded by it," enthuses Lulu Nguyen, who is driven by an exploratory spirit. Because curiosity is nothing other than the joy of learning!
Read the interview
Indrani Mukherjee
"It really inspires and makes me curious to find better ways or other ways to try and get answers to the questions that we have in our mind."
Lulu Nguyen
"Take a seat and look around you. There is science everywhere. Everything you look into. If it’s water, plants, the sky, or the medicine that you’re taking. Everything. You’re just surrounded by it"
Rae Freestone
“I love learning new things. I’m learning new things every day”
Daniela Debiase
"Science is a Passion."
Gary Lawson
"It’s a very diverse job. […] It’s different every day."
Rae Freestone
“Keep learning. Keep discovering. Be curious.”
Lulu Nguyen
“I think every little scientist starts working and just hopes that eventually   the world and that’s the feeling that I still have.”
Gary Lawson
"You never stop learning. […] You’ve got all these opportunities and you can continually learn. Things don’t get boring, things don’t stagnate. And you can work anywhere in the world. It’s the international language."

Science to go!

Is there still some free space on the notice board at school or university? Would you like to decorate your room with Science Heroes as motivation? We are glad that we could inspire you. Tell your classmates and fellow students about your new discovery in the colourful world of science!
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Passionate for Science.

At Starlab, we have made it our mission to get the younger generation excited about working in the lab and doing research. See what we have we come up with for this, here:

Open your eyes to the Colours of Science

Open your eyes to the colours of science! We at Starlab want to celebrate scientists around the globe and raise awareness for how bright, colourful, and interesting the field of science is. We took our message to the streets of Hamburg and brightened up public spaces, with one goal in mind: to shine a light on scientists and their amazing work..

Colours of Science with Moritz Etorena

In honour of this special occasion, we at Starlab want to say thank you to all scientists globally. It was time to give something back and celebrate all of the hard work being done in laboratories around the world. That’s why we commissioned an artwork of your selfies!
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